WELL DONE all performers! You guys have practiced very hard for this concert and all our hard work has paid off (:
Of course, this concert could only have been possible with the help of some very special and important people:
Emcees Jonathan & Jerina
Pre-concert talk emcees, the beautiful and talented Claire & Soomin
The dedicated crew: Rebecca, Angelique & Tobias
People at FOH: Yun Xuan, Bally, Jasmine & Yiying
Photographers, the impressive Peiwei & Daniel
Thank you so so much!
Also, a shout out to Ying Hong for doing up such an amazing programme booklet and Hao Ming for doing up the slides. You guys are really the best (':
NUSPE would also like to thank our group manager, Anirban, for all his guidance and support. Not forgetting our music director, Mr Ku, who grilled us during all the (very very helpful) coaching sessions.
But what is a show without an audience? Thank you EVERYONE who came down to support NUSPE on a happening Saturday evening. All of you are the reason why we continually strive to produce better and better concerts!