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Frequently Asked Questions


When and where are NUSPE Performance Classes held?

Performance Classes are held every Friday, starting from 6.30 p.m. at Seminar Room 7, Level 1, Yong Siew Toh Conservatory. The duration of each class varies, but usually lasts 1 hour. 


What happens during NUSPE Performance Classes?

Performance Classes are usually conducted by our principal tutor, Dr Choi Hye-Seon. These classes will follow a masterclass style, where members are encouraged to sign up and their performance will be discussed as a group. Through this, the Performance Classes will progress through different topics related to music performance and theory throughout the academic year. Topics covered include classical piano music performance, composers and music history. 


To find out more about our Performance Classes, do sign-up for our open class to find out more! 


We also will have student-led internal showcases, Concertino, throughout the academic year. These showcases are conducted on a sign-up basis and performers are encouraged to choose their own pairings and pieces, even unconventional ones, or those outside the classical idiom.


When and where are rehearsals conducted?

Members are expected to rehearse at their own time. If they wish to practice in school, they may do so by booking the practice rooms in Stephen Riady Centre, University Town. In preparation for upcoming concerts, members will attend additional pair-by-pair coaching sessions, usually held on Friday evenings. 


How do I become a NUSPE member?

All prospective members are required to go through an audition. Auditionees must perform an additional piece of their choice that effectively showcases their musical ability (see audition details below).


Do join us at our Open Class (13 August 2024, 6.30 p.m.) and Welcome Tea (16 August 2024, 6.30 p.m.) at Seminar Room 7, Level 1, Yong Siew Toh Conservatory for more information! 


Are there any prerequisites (i.e. graded examinations, etc.) to be a member?

Your membership will largely be based on your performance during the audition itself. While having formal training is useful, we do not take that into account when making selections.


What should I prepare for the audition?

Auditions for AY 24/25 would be held from 26 to 28 August 2024. 


The NUSPE audition comprises of: ​

  • Any scale in 4 octaves (except C major)

  • A set piece (found here)

  • A choice piece of not more than 6 minutes, excerpts accepted, music from all periods accepted. Candidates may nonetheless perform longer pieces but we will stop them once time is up.

  • An interview


You will be given 3 minutes to warm-up. The audition will last 23 minutes.

What is the commitment level for members?
Members are to attend NUSPE Performance Classes every Friday evening as much as possible. Members are encouraged to play for our internal and external concerts, and are expected to set aside time and effort to rehearse adequately for these performances. In the final weeks leading up to a concert, performers will be required to attend weekly coaching sessions with our principal tutor and concert run-throughs. 


NUSPE members are also encouraged to be involved in subcommittee work for our Performance Classes and productions. While the workload may seem intimidating, please be assured that we will work closely with our members to decide on a commitment level that is most suitable for them!


What happens if I can't make it during audition period?​
Kindly drop us an email at as soon as possible before your audition date so we can make the necessary arrangements.


For further enquiries, please contact us here.


Audition details


Stephen Riady Centre, UT25 #03-08 

2 College Avenue West

National University of Singapore

Singapore 138607

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